Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

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Nebraska's Eligible Training Provider List


The Eligible Training Provider List includes providers that offer programs to help eligible individuals, including those in Registered Apprenticeship programs, get the necessary training. These training providers can receive funding through Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). An ITA is a funding account used by youth, adults, and dislocated workers in need of training to enhance their job readiness or career pathways. 

Nebraska's Eligible Training Provider List is accessible on the NEworks homepage: Click on Training Services under the Job Seekers menu, then click on ETPL Approved Programs.  The list was created in 1998 with the Workforce Investment Act and has continued under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) since 2015. 

Becoming an Eligible Training Provider

Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Registered Apprenticeship programs that have been registered through the US Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship in Omaha are automatically eligible for inclusion on our Eligible Training Provider List.

National Registered Apprenticeship programs can be included on our Eligible Training Provider List. They must either have a location in Nebraska or offer online instruction that people in Nebraska can access. 

All Other Training Providers

If you are a training provider and want to be included on our Eligible Training Provider List, please send an email to

Training Provider and Program Eligibility 

Training provider eligibility criteria and training program eligibility criteria are provided in the "Eligible Training Providers" policy in the State Policy Manual, which is accessible at