Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

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The Adult Program helps job seekers who are 18 or older. It focuses on low-income people, those getting public aid, and those who need basic job skills. The goal of the adult program is to help job seekers succeed in the labor market.

The Dislocated Worker Program provides services to workers who have lost their job through no fault of their own.  The goal of the Dislocated Worker Program is to help individuals obtain quality employment in in-demand industries.

Basic and individualized career services, training services, and follow-up services are available for adults and dislocated workers. 

  1. Eligibility determinations for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Program services
  2. Outreach, intake, and orientation to information and other services available through the one-stop delivery system, including an opportunity to initiate an application for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance and non-assistance benefits and services
  3. Initial assessment of skill levels, including literacy, numeracy, and English language proficiency, as well as aptitudes, abilities, and supportive services needs
  4. Labor exchange services, including job search and placement assistance, career counseling, information on in-demand industry sectors and occupations, nontraditional employment, recruitment services on behalf of employers
  5. Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs and services
  6. Information on the labor market statistics, including: 
    - job openings in local, regional, and national markets 
    - skills needed for these jobs 
    - information about popular jobs in the area, including 
    - average earnings
    - skills required for these jobs
    - opportunities for career growth 
  7. Information on eligible providers of education, training, and workforce services
  8. Clear information about the local workforce development area's performance. This information includes performance measures that show how effective the services are and additional details about the one-step delivery system and its results.
  9. Clear information about available support services, including: 
    - Child care assistance 
    - Child support services 
    - Medical help for children through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program 
    - Food assistance benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 
    - Help with the earned income tax credit 
    - Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) 
    We also offer referrals to these services and can help with transportation options through TANF. 
  10. Information about and assistance with filing a claim for unemployment compensation
  11. Assistance with establishing eligibility for financial aid assistance for training and education programs not provided under WIOA

Training services are available to equip individuals to enter the workforce and retain employment. Training services may include, occupational skills training, on-the-job training (OJT), Registered Apprenticeship (which incorporates both OJT and classroom training), pre-apprenticeship training, skills upgrading and retraining, entrepreneurial training, and transitional jobs.