How can I apply for benefits?
Unemployment Insurance claims in Nebraska are filed online at If you do not have internet access or have a disability requiring assistive technology, please visit your local Job Center for assistance. For a listing of Job Centers, click HERE. Click HERE for step-by-step filing instructions.
If you are filing a Nebraska unemployment claim from another state and do not live in a county bordering Nebraska, you must register for employment services in the state of your residence.
Do I need to add a resume when filing a new claim?
When creating an account in NEworks and applying for benefits, you will be prompted to create a resume. Your resume must be searchable and set to “online” in order to meet Unemployment Insurance weekly eligibility requirements. For any week that your resume is not active and online, you may be disqualified from receiving benefits. To verify that your resume is online, see the instructions at the following link: Putting Your Resume Online
If you are on a temporary layoff: The online resume is required until you have a recall date confirmed by your employer or union hiring hall within 16 weeks (112 days) of your layoff date.
When should I file an application for benefits?
File your new claim as soon as your employment ends or you begin working reduced hours. An unemployment claim is effective the week in which you apply for benefits. Weeks prior to the effective date of your claim cannot be paid even if you meet all the eligibility requirements.
What information do I need when I apply?
- Social Security Number
- Complete home mailing address, including ZIP code
- Telephone number
- Email address
- County you live in
- Driver's license number or State ID card number
- If you select direct deposit, your bank routing number and account number
- The company names for all your employers from the past 18 months as they appear on your paycheck stubs or W-2 forms
- Complete mailing addresses of employers, including ZIP code and the city in which the business is physically located
- Your start and end dates with each employer, including month, day, and year. Include self employment.
- Your reason for leaving each employer (lack of work, voluntary quit, discharge, leave of absence)
- Employment authorization number and expiration date (if a non-citizen)
- If you served in the military the past 18 months, DD 214 Member #4 Form
- Federal Workers: If you worked for the federal government as a civilian employee in the last 18 months, Standard Form 8 or Standard Form 50. Also, compile your total wages earned with the federal employer in the last 18 months and indicate how you were paid (hourly, weekly, and monthly).
How long will it take to apply for benefits?
Plan to spend one hour completing the online registration, resume and initial claim.
How long will it take to find out if I'm eligible for benefits?
Watch this short video explaining what you need to do while your claim is pending.
Claims take up to 21 days to process. If necessary, we’ll contact you to request information needed to process your claim. Make sure your contact information is correct in NEworks.
How can I reopen my unemployment claim?
If you become unemployed again within the same benefit year as your original claim, reopen your claim in NEworks using the "File A Claim" link during the first week your job has ended or your employer has reduced your work hours. You will not be able to file a weekly claim until you've reopened your claim.
Can I file a claim if I worked for the federal government or military?
Yes. Federal employees will be asked to provide a Standard Form 8 and Standard Form 50, if available. Ex-military claimants will be asked to provide a Member 4 copy of the DD214.
Can individuals who are not U.S. citizens receive benefits?
Non-citizens must show that they were in satisfactory immigration status and are allowed to work in the United States when they earned the wages they are using for their unemployment claim. When filing for benefits, be prepared to provide your employment authorization number and expiration date.
Can I claim benefits if I'm working part-time?
Each time you file a weekly claim, you will be asked if you worked. Answer “yes” if you performed any work, even if it was temporary, part-time, or self-employment. You must report your gross wages (before deductions and taxes). Wages include but are not limited to: wages, tips, salary, commission, cash, allowances for meals or lodging, vacation pay and bonuses. You must report your wages for the week you performed the work, not when you were paid. If you worked for more than one employer in a week, add your wages from all employers. If you earned less than your weekly benefit amount for any claimed week, you may be eligible for partial benefits. If your wages for the week are more than your weekly benefit amount, you will not receive benefits for that week.