Voluntary Leave or Quit (VLQ)
- 5 - General
- 10 - Leave Work Voluntarily - Defined
- 15 - Good Cause - Defined
- 20 - Burden of Proof and Presumptions
- 25 - Evidence - Generally
- 30 - Weight and Sufficiency / Standard of Proof
- 35 - Attributable or Connect with Employment
- 40 - Leaving Without Notice
- 45 - Suitability of Work
- 50 - Termination of Employment
- 55 - Effort to Retain Employment
- 60 - Effort to Accommodate Employee
- 65 - Union Relations
- 70 - Factors Affecting Period of Disqualification
- 105 - General
- 110 - Absence From Work
- 115 - Constructive Quit
- 120 - Interpretation of Remark or Action of Employer or Employee
- 125 - Leaving Prior to Effective Date of Discharge
- 130 - Leaving in Anticipation of Discharge
- 135 - Resignation Intended
- 140 - Involuntary Quit
- 145 - Incarceration
- 150 - No Disqualifying Separation Occurred
- 1205 - General
- 1210 - Leaving for the Sole Purpose to Accept Work
- 1215 - Previously Secured Work
- 1220 - Permanent v. Temporary or Part-time Work
- 1225 - Insured Work
- 1230 - Claimant Accepted Employment
- 1235 - Reasonable Expectation of Better Wages
- 1240 - Reasonable Expectation of Better Benefits
- 1245 - Reasonable Expectation of Better Working Conditions
- 1250 - Reasonable Expectation of Better Conditions - Other
- 1255 - Wages Payable
- 1305 - General
- 1310 - Demotion
- 1315 - Reduction in Wages
- 1320 - Change in Pay - Time or Method
- 1325 - Changes in Benefits
- 1330 - Change in Schedule
- 1335 - Increase in Hours
- 1340 - Reduction In Hours
- 1345 - Overtime
- 1350 - Violation of Employment Agreement
- 1355 - Change in Job Duties
- 1360 - Change in Production Requirements
- 1365 - Change in Work Location or Territory
- 1370 - Apportionment of Work
- 1375 - Part Time v. Full Time Work
- 1380 - Temporary v. Permanent Work
- 1505 - General
- 1510 - Inside or Outside Work
- 1515 - Light or Heavy Work
- 1520 - Suitability or Preference of Work
- 1525 - Conflict with Supervisor
- 1530 - Disciplinary Action
- 1535 - Ability to Perform Work (Experience and Training)
- 1540 - Opportunity for Advancement
- 1545 - Failure or Refusal to Pay
- 1550 - Method or Quality of Workmanship
- 1555 - Duties or Job Requirements
- 1560 - Equipment
- 1565 - Pension - Retirement
- 1570 - Attendance at School or Training Course
- 1575 - Citizenship or Residence Requirements
- 1580 - Self-employment
- 1585 - Military Service