Safety Program Changes Effective July 1

Release Date: 6/21/2019

Effective July 1, 2019, the Boiler, Conveyance, and Amusement Ride safety inspection programs will be transferred to the State Fire Marshal Agency. 

  • Phone Numbers - The phone numbers for these programs will remain the same as they have been in the past.  The main phone line for the SFM Agency is 402-471-2027.
  • Address – The mailing address for the three programs is now 246 S 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508.  All payments and other correspondence should be sent to this address, effective immediately.
  • Email – individual email addresses will remain the same, but the general email addresses will change as follows on July 1:
  • Website: the existing website for the three programs, will continue to be operational for the time being.  The State Fire Marshal’s website is

We appreciate your patience as we consolidate these programs into the State Fire Marshal Agency.  The end result will be a more effective, efficient, and customer-focused state government.